Seabob- An Underwater Jet-Ski That Lets You Cruise like 007

Hang on tight, water craft Aficionados and come meet the world's fastest underwater scooter: The Seabob. This sleek, hydrodynamic work is perfect for those who want to glide aimlessly on a sunny, tranquil lake, drive fast across an inlet, or for the more adventure-minded. 

Diving down into the ocean's depth at a moment's notice! A quick shift in your body weight is all it takes to transition from on the water to underwater. The Seabob currently comes in two models, the F5 and the newer, more souped up F5S. 
The E-Jet Power System, which is 100% emission free, works by water displacement. Water gets sucked into a rotating impeller and forced out in a jet channel under high pressure.

But how is this agile craft actually driven? Easily. The speed is regulated by the Pilot's hands manipulating the Control grip, while steering and driving are influenced entirely by you transitioning your own body weight. In the F5, you can cruise along the top of the water at a max speed of 14 kilometers per an hour and then in a flash be underwater exploring a coral reef or swim with the eels at a top speed of 13 kilometers per hour for a maximum diving depth of 40 meters! 

There are 4 power levels in the F5, It weighs in at only 29 kilograms and has a propulsion force of 480 Newtons. The F5S is slightly heavier at 34 kg but needs that extra weight due to its 6 power level capability. Both vehicles can run in one sitting for up to 50 minutes. It takes 8 hours to fully charge the craft or 90 minutes for a "quick charge". Upgrades are now available to turn your F5S into an F5SR, which will give you an extra 7th gear and 10% additional thrust. All this fun starts at $7,845 Euros or $8,630 in US Dollars.

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